thanks for stopping by... you stay classy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hey blogging world,

Just came across this great (albeit L O N G) article about the current cost of living in Toronto. It's a great read for those of us considering a move to the big city... but it's also a good one for those of you who are already living there and are finding yourself living way beyond your means.

Enjoy - I know I did!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Really? It's February?

Where has the time gone? Today, I find myself recharged with excitement about the possibility of new things to come. Although I had an awkward experience with the guy I'm currently seeing, things are good and I am staying positive. Awkward isn't the right word... maybe... uncomfortable. But just for me. I put my feelings out there (re: the big C word - commitment) and they weren't reciprocated. Ouch, I know.

But at least now he knows where I stand - that's a step ahead of where we were before yesterday. Moving forward... the keywords to my life right now. I am also working towards getting an internship at a really great PR firm. I have been doing a lot of volunteer work for them, and it's starting to pay off. I keep hearing that hands-on experience is the best way to learn and get hired (rather than sit in a classroom and learn about the industry). Keep your fingers crossed for me that this works out.

I've been feeling far too comfortable in my daily routine, so I've been trying to challenge myself and change it up a bit. Hopefully these changes will be positive ones for me.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


okay... so now that i've been daydreaming about this ALL DAY... thank you coachella for making me waste my life away wishing i could attend you.

headliners: Kings of Leon. Arcade Fire. Kanye West. The Strokes... not to mention about 200 other bands that i would almost kill someone to see live... also not to mention in the cali desert.

sigh. next year.

new leaf

hello blogger world...

i have decided to turn over a new leaf in my life.

go to the gym. start eating healthier. write more. make decisions for ME, not for others. follow through on said decisions. speak my mind. stretch more. stop being too busy. reconnect with people i miss.


Monday, September 13, 2010


Realizing now how TERRIBLE I am at this blogging thing.

Need to stay on top of this.

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is on right now... and I feel so out of the loop! I haven't been out to a club or bar since our trip to Vegas. It was such a great time, I feel like nothing else can or will ever compare.

Met an amazing guy who (of course) lives in San Diego, which really couldn't be further away from me without being in Mexico, or on another continent. However, we've kept in touch, and I am going to visit. I've never been to California, but have always said I'd love to live there, so this is a good reason to finally get out there and see why people love it so much.

The cheerleading season essentially starts today. I'm looking forward to it but am also nervous for the amount of material I have to come up with over the next month...

Running out the door shortly. Til next time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

fashion obsession

I've never considered myself one who knows anything about fashion. I like to follow it, I like looking at magazine ads, I think I can pick up on trends... but I've never been one to wear super-trendy things, or follow the latest fads. (except for the obvious ones - skinny jeans, uggs, etc)

Lately, however, I have been obsessed! I am following lookbook daily to catch up on the latest, and I find myself buying things that I never would have worn before (ie. cotton/spandex floral print skirt). It's a very uplifting development in my life... too bad it costs money. One comment I do have about one trend I've noticed: what's with the ankle socks and heels? Nay a fan. There's a reason why they're open-toed or strappy - to show skin. Je n'aime pas.

Until next time, when a good rant pops into my head.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hating on TL

Just did my morning reading (blogs, obvi) and found that one of my favourite celebloggers hates Taylor Lautner.

WHY? He's so hot, and if he wasn't 18, I may have stalked him to Vancouver during filming of the Twi movies. Sure, the acting isn't so hot, but aside from Brad Pitt, Hollywood hotties are way better with their mouths closed anyway. Major hearts for this one.

What to do today? The greatest part of my job is sleeping in, but then I do nothing all day long. I guess I COULD go for a swim, as I stepped on the scale yesterday and almost hung myself in the bathroom... this winter weight is killing my life. Florida in April, Mexico in June. Bikini bikini bikini. I refuse to be the DUFF. I think I just came up with my mantra to help me stop eating junk food and lazing around! Hurray!

Till next time.

quarter century search